「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2013年8月26日 星期一

Hewlett-Packard, Cisco , Intel和Motorola 等公司風光不再/ 讀 IBM公司周新聞及IBM Rochester still favors quality一文有感

 Hewlett-Packard, Cisco , Intel和Motorola 等公司風光不再/ 讀 IBM公司周新聞及IBM Rochester still favors quality一文有感

Shifting Tech Scene Unsettles Big Players


Hewlett-Packard, Cisco and other companies that once dominated the tech industry are struggling to keep up with smaller, newer competitors as users turn to cloud computing services and mobile devices.
. Hewlett-Packard Sales Drop as PC Demand Wanes

hp的 淪亡日約十年前. 他們想以量取勝成為pc個人電腦的第一把交椅
他們成為什麼公司呢? 內鬥專門醜聞不斷而產品創新有限......
 Cisco公司崛起於約25-30年前. 網路開始盛行.....
它究竟怎樣失勢的我我還弄不太清楚  或許跟約15年前的電信泡沫化相關?
不過 硬體的生意都有天花板的....

Google 和Facebook 等公司"自製" (或ODM給廣達等公司)其雲設備是一大打擊:

Facebook and Google Try Self Help

Web Giants Pursue Projects That Could Let Them Sidestep Intel, Cisco Systems

It turns out you need lots and lots of cement when building Internet super-highways.
Now web heavyweights like Google and Facebook want to mix their own. That threatens to eat into the profits of large Internet construction companies such as Intel and Cisco Systems. Smartly, the latter aren't just going to let the market drive off without them.
Google and Facebook buy so much tech equipment that it makes sense for them to design their own. This enables them to save money and run their websites more efficiently. Both design their own servers, for instance, of which ...
它幸虧給Google買去. 變成完全在美國開發和製造的公司

 讀IBM公司周新聞及IBM Rochester still favors quality一文有感

本周綜述上周說該公司買一家以色列網路安全公司 想多往此方向發展.
IBM 從美國政府取得一個十億元的"雲"項目---另一條"新聞"說
剩下一有趣的關於品質專業的報導: 在新進20幾歲新員工
從來沒聽過IBM Rochester 廠區在1990取得美國"國家品質獎"是什麼玩藝?

IBM Rochester still favors quality

Posted: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 8:24 am | Updated: 10:12 am, Wed Aug 14, 2013.
The processes and products have changed, but the goal remains the same for IBM Rochester, 23 years after winning a prestigious quality award.
The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award won by the Rochester campus in 1990 is still prominently displayed today. That award was established by Congress and is presented annually by the president of the United States to organizations that demonstrate quality and performance excellence.

Today's IBM is very different than the one which won that honor, though local professionals still work to keep the computer giant focused on quality products and customer service.
Two Rochester executives — David Peter, client care operations manager, and Diane Mitchell, systems and technology group quality management system team lead — discussed IBM's approach Tuesday at the monthly meeting of southeastern Minnesota chapter of the Performance Excellence Network.

"Most employees today, most are in their 20s, don't know what Baldrige is about," says Peter.

IBM's structural changes since 1990 mean Rochester is no longer a self-contained campus with its own complete development, procurement and manufacturing department.

Instead of being a single entity, about 20 worldwide divisions have presences in Rochester, Peter said.

That means tracking processes now extend far beyond the Rochester city limits.
"I have employees working in five different states," says Peter, who focuses on client satisfaction.

When it comes to manufacturing, Mitchell's small team conducts ISO (International Organization for Standardization) audits and works with 25 locations in 13 countries.
"We adding three more (locations) in 2014 and they're all in China," she said.

However, Mitchell says all of those far-flung sites use the same manual and a single website, when tracking their product and process standards.

IBM's top-down quality framework means "Everyone is speaking the language," says Peter.

The scale has dramatically changed since 1966, but the IBM standard for the introduction of a new generation of a hardware or software product remains the same as it did back then.

"Every product must have better quality than previous product it is replacing," he says. "It sounds simple, but it really isn't."



惠普的首席執行官梅格‧惠特曼(Meg Whitman)接受採訪稱,「我們正在不太理想的經濟環境中進行轉型。每個人都在努力適應新型信息技術。最適者生存。」
比方說,就在惠普公布財報之前,網絡計算公司思科(Cisco Systems)上周出人預料地宣布,計劃削減約5%的勞動力。甲骨文(Oracle)、英特爾(Intel),乃至微軟(Microsoft)等科技業巨頭也麻煩不斷。
克里什·拉馬克里希南(Krish Ramakrishnan)曾在思科任總經理,如今經營着雲端視頻會議服務企業藍牛仔褲網絡(Blue Jeans Network)。他說,「所有的傳統企業都面臨困境。它們希望擁有雲端的業務,但旗下每個部門都必須進行不一樣的改革。」
惠普是個人電腦、打印機、電腦服務器、以及數據儲存與聯網 領域的領導者,但幾乎每項業務的銷售額都在下降。公司總營收為272億美元(約合1665億元人民幣),同比下滑8%;凈收益為14億美元,不計特殊項 目,同比下滑了約15%。周三,惠普的股價在正常交易時段里下跌了1.8%,盤後交易再跌6%。
如果說有什麼算得上慰籍的話,那就是惠特曼並不孤單。電腦 生產商戴爾(Dell)的首席執行官邁克爾·S·戴爾(Michael S. Dell)正為將自己的公司私有化而奮戰。隨着公司逐步脫離個人電腦銷售業務,私有化將幾乎肯定意味着裁員。由於大眾轉向了平板電腦設備,個人電腦業務已 由盛轉衰。
思科的銷售仍屬強勁,但公司首席執行官約翰·T·錢伯斯(John T. Chambers)也通過裁員發出了前景堪憂的信號。他聲稱,由於經濟的「不確定性」,裁員是必要之舉。
大宗科技產品銷售無疑會受到經濟大局的影響——尤其是在亞 洲,思科在那裡的季度銷售額同比下滑了3%,但分析師們認為,錢伯斯對經濟的闡述未能提及思科在技術革新面前該如何應對。近年來,思科面臨一系列採取廉價 策略的競爭對手。與思科度身定製的設備不同,許多對手更多地倚仗軟件和現成的組件。
 英特爾在移動程度更高的新環境里也受到了挑戰,這或許更 值得注意。畢竟,英特爾常被引為科技界少有的曾預見到未來的大變局並調整業務佔得先機的公司之一,它20多年前就預見到PC的普及。但是,同樣那些高管也 承認,他們沒能及時轉到為移動設備打造芯片的業務上,如今正努力迎頭趕上。

